Gmail contact – Apple Address Book sync stinks

Maybe it’s me, but I can’t seem to make Google Mail Conacts sync with Apple Address boook  in an efficient manner.

I got frustrated with the way it was working and tried the following, as it seemed logical:

  1. Exported (saved) all my google contacts, and all my apple address book contacts before starting.
  2. Deleted all google contacts
  3. Uploaded the apple address book contacts to Google
  4. Tried to sync them.

Apple Sync services tells me I have 2350 new contacs to add and 324 that will be modified. WHAT? I uploaded the contacts. they should be 100% the same.


UPDATE: Yes, I did read and a bunch of the discussions on the help board.


5 responses to “Gmail contact – Apple Address Book sync stinks”

  1. That’s why I still use spanning sync… seems to do the trick.

  2. I tried it briefly but went back to Spanning Sync (which I was using for calendars).

    Part of the problem is with Google Contacts: they have no concept of first/last name. There's only one field for name. There's also some other oddities on the Google Contacts side which Spanning Sync has worked around.

  3. Howard Avatar

    Ah, EPC, that’s why the A to G utility saves out of Apple Address book as only “Name” and not “First” and “last” names.
    However, with the new Google sync for outlook – the names come back to outlook as “full name” with no concept of First and Last name. So your Outlook contacts are all alphabetical by FIRST name. That stinks.

  4. Howard Avatar

    Ok, so now Google accepts an export directly from Apple Address book via vCard/vcd file.

    I STILL get a message that it wants to add >400 and change 1200 after clearing all my contacts, and uploading a fresh export from my address book.

  5. Rosemary Avatar

    I am using spanning sync with gmail and my mac and blackberry. Calendar works fine but address book contacts will not upload to gmail and therefore to blackberry. Help?