Congratulations, Friends – Obama Team appoints Crawford, Werbach

I’m thrilled to be able to write that my friends Susan Crawford and Kevin Werbach have been named to review the FCC for the Obama transition team. I’ve been a fan of Susan’s work on One Web Day and have participated since she started it. (photo credit: I was asked to be a One Web Day Ambassador this year.

I’ve also had the privilege of working for Kevin on his annual Supernova conference for the last 2 years. Kevin Werbach

I am extremely pleased that these two individuals, who I know have very clear ideas on how technology and communications can be used to help all Americans learn and gain access will be in key roles reviewing current policy. I can only hope they also get key roles in the administration. Congratulations, both Kevin and Susan.

Net Neutrality Advocates In Charge Of Obama Team Review of FCC | Threat Level from

Susan Crawford, a professor at the University of Michigan Law School, and Kevin Werbach, a former FCC staffer, organizer of the annual tech conference Supernova, and a Wharton professor, will lead the Obama-Biden transition team’s review of the FCC.