Month: February 2005

  • Snow and Driving

    Attention North Eastern State Neighbors: It snows here during the winter. You may be called upon to drive in conditions that include snow, ice, and freezing rain. I implore you to do the following: 1. Stay home if you can’t handle it. Please. 2. Get out right now and learn to drive. It’s 10:45, there’s…

  • User’s Guide to the Brain

    Dave Winer writes that there’s no owner’s manual to the brain. “We all have a brain, but how well do we use it? Too bad we don’t have an owner’s manual for the human brain. What would such an owner’s manual be called?” Dave, it has already been written, and it’s quite good. Buy this:…

  • Kung Hey Fat Choi

    Happy New Year to the over 1 Billion people who probably aren’t allowed to read this. And the best to those of you who can.

  • Comments and Trackbacks are closed

    Until I get some sort of anti-spam solution working, comments and trackbacks are closed. Thanks, spamming assholes.