Category: Tweets

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-03-16



    @gapingvoid you are not boring, and your art is entertaining. Enjoy it. # think the waiter slipped me coffee not decals round 10 last night. At least that was what I was thinking around1 # think the waiter slipped me coffee not decals round 10 last night. At least that was what I was thinking…

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-03-14



    Exercise walk turned into a run due to rain # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-03-13



    big day tomorrow, 2 presentations in NYC with executives. Heading to get some rest for voice and head. # Declaring email bankruptcy, and marking "all read" in lists and mail from last year. # Powered by Twitter Tools.

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-03-12



    Good bye Elliot Spitzer. Hello Governor Patterson. # @cpulitzer hope you’re well and thinking is going well # I never tweet this stuff, but, time for lunch. # watching @pistachio and @cc_chapman on qik # capital building emergency cleared. pilot error. wouldn’t want to be that pilot # "Barack Obama is now following you on…

  • Twitter Updates for 2008-03-11



    feeling really tired after all that SXSW partying I…read about # @stephtara – hope you’re having a great time. # Welcome new twitter followers. I will attempt to keep you fascinated by the banal details of my existence. Or at least amused. # @kwerb this is a good thing! # "This is a public service…