Month: July 2006
Where is the letter "e” in Web 2.0?
Chris Cerado tracks down the elusive letter in this exclusive interview. Blogged with Flock
Convergence 2.0 – Keshava weighs in
Over at “What’s Next?” Keshava Dasarthy (who I know from NextNY) blogs about the Convergence 2.0 conference. As a media consumer, there is a signal in proximity (on tv it is temporal, while on a site, it is more spatial). We naturally assume that things near each other will be similar in some important measure.…
Steaks. On a Plane.
If I had an Ad Budget, this is how I would advertise my airlines… Copy and enjoy.
Chad Vader, Day Shift Manager
In which an evil jedi runs a supermarket. Via YouTube. technorati tags:chadvader, starwars, comedy Blogged with Flock
My cell phone, a Verizon LG VX8100, needed a new battery. The old one was not giving me even a full day with normal usage and on Sunday it cut out as I was calling my cousin. Not good. I may have contributed to its decline by leaving it charging overnight once. Now, this is…