
Welcome to my website.
Thanks for visiting. More about me is on my blog, and my bio page.

I do consulting as President of the Harbrooke Group in several areas of Social Media, including podcasting, Social Network and community building, and blogging training.

My personal podcast for friends is called A Chat and A Song.

I am also a personal and small business coach.

A Profile of me in Fast Company from 1998.

A Few Things I’ve written

Business Development via Social Networks
Use Live Connections to Leverage Virtual Connections, to Gain new, important Live connections
Check out my latest contribution to The New York Enterprise Report, “Web 2.0 for your Business.”

Social Networks – The New Awkward Moment

Web 2.0 Meets the Enterprise (@Optimize Magazine, now Information Week)

How the Digital Millenium Copyright Act is killing Internet Radio
Who was I, September 10th, 2001?

Dead on the 4th of July

If you want to get in touch, try me at PublicHoward at the Google email service Gmail.