Howard Greenstein's Weblog (Random Thoughts)
The new home of the "Random Thoughts of HowardGr." It even has that "new home page smell..."


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Monday, January 13, 2003

A friend of mine, upon borrowing a wi-fi card, opened his laptop in his kitchen to find that one of his neighbors is sharing their access point with the neighborhood. Instant, free, high-speed internet access. He had an epiphany! He suddenly understood what all the articles in the NY Times and other places about always-on, always connected, untethered access meant. There was pure joy in his voice as he explained it. That's the kind of advertising that this "industry" (apply your own filter here) needs.
9:10:54 PM    comment []

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Last update: 4/27/2003; 9:46:11 PM.

January 2003
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blogchalk: Howard/Male. Howardgr. Lives in United States/New York/Midtown and speaks English. Spends 40% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.