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American Idle Now there's too many ahead of me They're all the time gettin' in front of me I thought I could find a clear road ahead But I found stoplights instead... -Expressway to Your Heart - Soul Survivors I found myself needing to drive from New Jersey to Long Island and back this weekend, on a Friday morning and a holiday Sunday afternoon. While sitting in traffic, my head started playing that familiar theme. Here are the same contenders as last time - LIE and GCP. The same old sing-along-song is playing - the blaring horn theme. In my head, a Simon Cowell-esque monologue wonders “Who allowed these idiots on the road?” The radio traffic announcer reminds me of Paula Abdul - a few critical comments but mostly fluff that doesn't tell me much. The fact that the other bridge is moving fine is of no use. Missing is the Randy...